Monday, June 19, 2006

Saturday Night in Chicago (Narcisse & Vision)

So, I decided to go to another open bar with NeilE in Chicago (last time I regretted the next day, and sure enough the same happened to me this time!) Meeting us in Chicago was Mike Strange, and 3 of his friends. Along with us came Neil's friend Ang and the infamous, Andrew Raelson! To start things off, Andrew had nothing but flip flops and shorts with him, so Neil was kind enough to go back to his place and dress him in his own clothes. Sadly enough, I think Neil enjoyed it WAY too much! We were a little late getting to the club as usualy, but made it at 9:15pm, allowing us a good hour and 15 mins to enjoy a completely open bar (including red bull!)

Baltic Bloc CD Release Party @ Narcisse 9:15pm
Sure enough, we got to the club in Chicago for only a $5 cover and all the well drinks we could consume! Awaiting us was Yuris and Andy, the two that make up the Baltic Bloc. Unfortunatly for them, none of their CDs got pressed and the CD release night turned more into just a regular night, until the power went out. FOr about 20 mins, no music. It was akward. Then the music kicked on, and the open bar was about to close, so I ordered me 2 more rum and cokes. The bartender then ran out of well rum, so he poured me Bacardi. Later on, we were informed that the downstairs of the club was a "Swingers Club". You had to have a date to go in, but Neil found a back way so we went. It was FUCKED UP! Half the room was a giant bed with people all over it, another room only shut out by a half way shut curtain revealed a guy "railing" a girl on a bench, with 4 other people (guys and girls) watching! Enough was enough, and we left. This was also the last thing I remember from Narcisse.

Vision 1:00am
Somehow I lasted a good 2 hours without ordering another drink at Narcisse. I was anhilated! We arrived at Vision, where I had the biggest pain in the ass getting in. Yuris and Andy almost didnt get into their own gig! Finally we got our hand stamped and I wandered around. I was wasted and didnt need anymore. Later on Neil Andrew ang and I went to the top floor, through yet another back door. Around 3:00am, we decided to leave, and made Andrew pound his last beer. Another blurry memory ahead!

Neil's Car on Highway 30 in Merrillville
I awoke in the front seat, not really sure how or when I got into the car. I look at the car stereo and saw it was 15 til 4. I finish the extra bottle of water I put in Neil's car before we left. We started talkin about food and I wouldnt shut up about how delicious a Subway sandwhich would be made by Neil's bro with whatever I wanted on it! Then I wanted White Castle, but first we had to drop Ang off. We drop her off around 4:00am in Valpo, and I am feelin bad. I know I'm gonna puke, but I hold it in til we make it to my house...
152 Sunset Drive 4:15am
Neil drops me off and thanks me for not puking in his car. I go to the garage door to get in, and my parents locked it. So I call them up. They aren't too upset and I go upstairs where I puke for a good 15 minutes. I was done, out of commision. I then went to bed in my hot as hell room and woke up the next day hungover as hell and with a terrible sore throat from puking. I guess I will just never learn! Until next time!