Dawn walks out of her room, what the fuck did you order? The ups guys said its supposed to go to Minnesota. She points at two more boxes in the corner.

I look at them and they weigh 50 lbs each. I open them and find 20 little girly bags tightly placed in each box. They look like one of those packs you get the first day of college including all fun stuff like shampoo and tampons. So Dawn asks to open one and she does. The contents appear as follows:

I am even more blown away now. I have 40 of these bags of girly goodies sitting in my living room and a box filled so tightly with poster I cannot remove them to look at them without ripping the box. The real funny thing is; the boxes are all labelled 1 of 4, 2 of 4, and 4 of 4. But I never recieved box #3... what will come of this? Stay tuned and read my next blog! Please let me know if anyone has any insight on this!
drunk + internet + free things:
you'll never know what you'll end up with.
ya well, you see what happens when you drink every night and have no one to drink with... you go online and get 100 lbs of girly toiletries. This should be a lesson to all of you
pat, you've got enough tampons to use all year!
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