Ah, so I finally saw the new Bond flick, Casino Royale, starring the latest Bond, Daniel Craig. After hearing quite a few reviews declaring this as the best Bond since Sean Connery, I was obviously excited. Also hearing what Neil and Schwartz thought of it, raving how great it was, made me even more excited for it. But what do I think of it now that I saw it? Eh. Yes, thats about it. The story was OK, the action scenes were pretty cool, but the lack of many things really brought it down. (*WARNING* - the following may include spoilers, don't read it unless you have already seen Casino Royale or don't plan on seeing it for a while!)
The Pros of the Movie
The movie really started off kind of cool, black and white, and mysterious. I also like how Bond is being promoted to 00 status, and on one of his first missions he pisses M off so much that she wants to get rid of him. The fight scenes are what I would have to say were more badass than previous. Bond actually gets hurt, his tuxedo is bloody, he almost dies, he gets tortured but is still a badass. And the ending is probably the sweetest part of the film (and just about the only redeeming factor for the last 20 mins) as he sneaks up on the guy and does the usual "Bond, James Bond" quote. Also, when he makes up the martini and orders one without caring if its shaken or stirred was a plus.
The Cons
OK, no Money Penny, I can handle that. No Q though?!? WTF! And this leads to my next problem, where the hell were all the gadgets? Now the Aston Martin was cool as hell, along with the extras in the dash, but he doesn't even drive it 5 mins in the film! And the one real car chase lasts about 20 secs. Now there were many running scenes while Bond is on foot which were cool, but why give him such a sweet ass car and not even really use it. I do not know.
And the girls. Now the latino chick in the begining was pretty hot, but the main female role? I don't think so. Chiffre's g/f did turn sluttier and sluttier from scene to scene, but I don't think she even had one spoken role, let alone was in more than 3 short scenes. And the main female role's name is Vesper. What happened to Pussy Galore?!? And the only somewhat sexual induendo was talking about his pinky. Nothing compared to "I thought Christmas only 'comes' once a year".
And what kind of Bond villain gets jumped by a couple of freedom fighters in his hotel room. He doesn't even have a cool back story, just an eye that bleads? His henchmen weren't even crazy asses. Just some bald guy that wasn't even intimidating with a crazy ass Daniel Craig running around.
So did I enjoy it? Yes. Did it beat out Goldeneye as my favorite? No way in hell. Daniel Craig is a baddass, and was a pretty sweet actor, but I think they showed off his body more times than the girls. And throughout the movie, I kept forgetting it was even Bond with the lack of gadgets, suaveness, and sex scenes. The locations were exotic, the cars kicked ass, and they even brought back Felix which hasn't been in a Bond movie since the Timothy Dalton era (probably my second favorite Bond). Rating the movie, I would give it an 8/10. Rating it as purely a Bond movie though, I would probably have to lower it down to a 6/10. Please comment and let me know your thoughts!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ah, so Matt decided to drive 3 hrs from El Centro to Costa Mesa to see Fu Manchu on a Thur nite. And he had to work the next day! It all started when we got there at 8:30pm. We thought the show started at 9pm. We were wrong. We waited outside the "Detroit Bar" until 9pm, when the doors opened. We did however meet this old guy who had apparently been rockin out to Fu Manchu since he was a kid (if I had to guess, he was between 35 and 40) He then introduced us to his wife, which was hot and loved rock n roll! I think Matt was in heaven hahaha! This is all while I am waiting for Cynthia and her friend to meet us at the bar after attempting to see Tenacious D perform a free concert, which turned into being just a giant MySpace lie.
So after a couple beers, the show starts. As Fu Manchu is performing their first song, I notice an older looking fellow in a ripped grey t-shirt just start jumping like a fucking kangaroo, straight up in the air. The guy was a maniac. I thought security would get involved, but I shortly learned that he wouldnt be a problem compared to what we were about to see. Another great character was the dude with the long blonde hair, head banging in front of the stage. His hair literally almost hit the ceiling, it must have been like 4 feet long. The rest of the crowd was a mix of punk looking rockers and good old tattooed biker rockers. This combination with heavy guitar riffs and shouting lyrics turned the venue into a good old fashioned mosh pit.
About 2 songs into the set, some dude just starts pushing and moshing. He was thrown out in a few minutes. Then I look over near the bar, and theres a stoner lookin dude with long hair and a biker guy with a shaved head fighting. The shaved head guy takes the stoner guys head, grabs his hair and smashes him into the bar. They were both escorted out, although the stoner guy came back towards the end. He also complained to the security that the biker dude "pulled his hair". So a few songs later, towards the end of the show, a tattooed dude in a wife beater with spikey hair is doin some funky dance moves (kind of like the streaker did during Bob Dylna's set on that MTV awards show back in the 90's). He pushes me aside and starts talkin to some other concert goers. Out of no where, the security guards grab him and take him out. I guess there are rules against stupid dancing.
The show is reaching an end. The lead singer gives a shout out to his wife for their anniversary (a first for me to hear at a rock show). He then explains that this will be the last song. Most of the crowd has either been kicked out or has left by now around 1am. So about 2 mins into the last song, I get drenched. I'm like WTF. I then notice an empty beer cup fall to my feet. Within about 15 secs, 2 security guards push me out of the way, and grab this dude in a headlock. They literally drug him out while I thought his head was going to pop due to its purpleish-red color. As we are leaving, the douchebag that couldnt wait 30 more seconds for the concert to end before getting kicked out, is arguing with the bouncers. To make things even better, hes got an accent and is bitching about the US shows. To make things even better, as we leave the bar, the fog is so thick that I cant see 10 ft ahead of me. Of course, Matt and Cynthia have to follow me home on the 405 which was only going about 40 mph, which is unheard of in LA. So that was my first experience with the Detroit Bar and Fu Manchu. I can only home my next experience will be just as violent.
Up Next: Partying' Up with Uncle Randy and Horwitz!
So after a couple beers, the show starts. As Fu Manchu is performing their first song, I notice an older looking fellow in a ripped grey t-shirt just start jumping like a fucking kangaroo, straight up in the air. The guy was a maniac. I thought security would get involved, but I shortly learned that he wouldnt be a problem compared to what we were about to see. Another great character was the dude with the long blonde hair, head banging in front of the stage. His hair literally almost hit the ceiling, it must have been like 4 feet long. The rest of the crowd was a mix of punk looking rockers and good old tattooed biker rockers. This combination with heavy guitar riffs and shouting lyrics turned the venue into a good old fashioned mosh pit.
About 2 songs into the set, some dude just starts pushing and moshing. He was thrown out in a few minutes. Then I look over near the bar, and theres a stoner lookin dude with long hair and a biker guy with a shaved head fighting. The shaved head guy takes the stoner guys head, grabs his hair and smashes him into the bar. They were both escorted out, although the stoner guy came back towards the end. He also complained to the security that the biker dude "pulled his hair". So a few songs later, towards the end of the show, a tattooed dude in a wife beater with spikey hair is doin some funky dance moves (kind of like the streaker did during Bob Dylna's set on that MTV awards show back in the 90's). He pushes me aside and starts talkin to some other concert goers. Out of no where, the security guards grab him and take him out. I guess there are rules against stupid dancing.
The show is reaching an end. The lead singer gives a shout out to his wife for their anniversary (a first for me to hear at a rock show). He then explains that this will be the last song. Most of the crowd has either been kicked out or has left by now around 1am. So about 2 mins into the last song, I get drenched. I'm like WTF. I then notice an empty beer cup fall to my feet. Within about 15 secs, 2 security guards push me out of the way, and grab this dude in a headlock. They literally drug him out while I thought his head was going to pop due to its purpleish-red color. As we are leaving, the douchebag that couldnt wait 30 more seconds for the concert to end before getting kicked out, is arguing with the bouncers. To make things even better, hes got an accent and is bitching about the US shows. To make things even better, as we leave the bar, the fog is so thick that I cant see 10 ft ahead of me. Of course, Matt and Cynthia have to follow me home on the 405 which was only going about 40 mph, which is unheard of in LA. So that was my first experience with the Detroit Bar and Fu Manchu. I can only home my next experience will be just as violent.
Up Next: Partying' Up with Uncle Randy and Horwitz!
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Exotic Travels through Indiana
So as I am driving north from Bloomington to Elkhart this past fall, I noticed something very odd. Not only did I drive through the cities of Kokomo, Miami, and Denver, but I drove through (what I believe to have been the cities of) Peru and Mexico. Now I dont know about you, but why in the HELL would you name ANY part of Indiana after ANY of these cities/countries?!? Granted, Indiana might be as hot as Kokomo would be in the summer, or as cold as Denver in the winter, and be as humid as Miami in the summer, but why Mexico and Peru?!? I've been meaning to post this for a while, but ya, just letting out some steam! Let me know what you all think!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Drunk Girls are funny
So ya, tonight was a pretty chill night. Went out and had a couple beers with Rick and my Dad. Met Kyle and his g/f and her friend out. Then the drunkedness comes out. As I leave the hell that many call Kilroys, I enter Nick's for the 3rd time tonight, still getting carded and questioned as if I didnt look 21. We get upstairs, and theres this girl that looks oddly familiar. I go to the bar, and as I am sitting down, she runs up to me, and yells "IUSTV WOO-HOO!!!" as if in some spring break/girls gone wild video. I am thouroughly confused, ask Kyle if he recognized her, and he answered with the same, she looks familiar answer I gave to myself.
As I am leaving Nick's and walking home, there are two wasted chicks outside talking on a cell phone. They yell to me "WE NEED A RIDE!". I answer with the obvious, "I dont have a car, I'm walking, isnt that obvious?!?". They then began to cry. Maybe I shouldve just lied and said I didnt speak English. Oh well, tomorrow brings another fun filled night at the Bluebird! This time, with my Dad and Rick!!!
As I am leaving Nick's and walking home, there are two wasted chicks outside talking on a cell phone. They yell to me "WE NEED A RIDE!". I answer with the obvious, "I dont have a car, I'm walking, isnt that obvious?!?". They then began to cry. Maybe I shouldve just lied and said I didnt speak English. Oh well, tomorrow brings another fun filled night at the Bluebird! This time, with my Dad and Rick!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Motherfucking Snakes on a Motherfucking PLANE!!!
SNAKES ON A PLANE!!! ***warning, spoilers!***
So the day finally came. August 18 (well August 17 at 10pm for us lucky ones), the premiere of Snakes on a Plane! Me, Neil, Josh, Matt, Andrew, and Nikki saw it in Merrillville. We were hyping ourselves up all day and the entire ride up. We were expecting the theatre to be full of a yelling and shouting audience, but unfortunately it was only about 1/4 filled. Some dude in front of us ended up being a film student at Ball St. and kept talking about some shit none of us cared about. Then Josh was mooching our popcorn, so we sent him to get a refill during the commercials before the flick. He got pissed and spilled popcorn all over the guy, which ended up being pretty funny. Anyways, on to the movie.
The Weapons
I figured I would just talk about a few of my favorite parts of the movie. At the begining of the film, I decided to keep note in my head of all the weapons Samuel L Jackson uses to kill the snakes. From my memory, here is the complete list (please let me know if I missed any!):
Microwave (used by the "gay" guy)
Broken Bottle of Champagne
Hairspray Flamethrower
His Fists
Harpoon Gun (My personal fav!)
This is just one great part of the movie. Not only did these ridiculous, makeshift weapons make it awesome, but the characters just accentuated it!
The Characters
We start off with Samuel L Jackson. I dont even have to say anything about him. We have the stuck up bitchy chick with her fucking dog. We have the snobby British businessman. The famous asshole rapper with his fat ass bodyguards. The stoner couple who fucks in the bathroom and dies first as it would happen in any horror movie. The hot ass stewardesses & (The "gay" steward). But by far, my favorite character... Rick the pilot (also known as Champ Kind from Anchorman). Not only was he his sleazy self, but after he gets bit, he fuckin beats the shit outta the snakes. And he made the quote list!
The Quotes
Well, this might be the most important part of the movie. Let's just see if I can remember them all (please also feel free to add any of your fav!):
"Great, now we got snakes on CRACK!" - SLJ
"Do what I say, and you'll live" - SLJ
"I am opening the fuckin window!" - SLJ
"Whose your daddy now BITCH!" - Gay Steward
as Rick is dying from being bit by a snake "Here, let me wrap your arm with my scarf" - stewardess, "thanks, I think I might need your shirt too!" - Rick (Champ Kind)
Oh how awesome was this movie?!?!?! Please post your comments, and if you havent seen it yet, go see SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!! Greatest movie of the summer! (sorry Johnny Depp)
So the day finally came. August 18 (well August 17 at 10pm for us lucky ones), the premiere of Snakes on a Plane! Me, Neil, Josh, Matt, Andrew, and Nikki saw it in Merrillville. We were hyping ourselves up all day and the entire ride up. We were expecting the theatre to be full of a yelling and shouting audience, but unfortunately it was only about 1/4 filled. Some dude in front of us ended up being a film student at Ball St. and kept talking about some shit none of us cared about. Then Josh was mooching our popcorn, so we sent him to get a refill during the commercials before the flick. He got pissed and spilled popcorn all over the guy, which ended up being pretty funny. Anyways, on to the movie.
The Weapons
I figured I would just talk about a few of my favorite parts of the movie. At the begining of the film, I decided to keep note in my head of all the weapons Samuel L Jackson uses to kill the snakes. From my memory, here is the complete list (please let me know if I missed any!):
Microwave (used by the "gay" guy)
Broken Bottle of Champagne
Hairspray Flamethrower
His Fists
Harpoon Gun (My personal fav!)
This is just one great part of the movie. Not only did these ridiculous, makeshift weapons make it awesome, but the characters just accentuated it!
The Characters
We start off with Samuel L Jackson. I dont even have to say anything about him. We have the stuck up bitchy chick with her fucking dog. We have the snobby British businessman. The famous asshole rapper with his fat ass bodyguards. The stoner couple who fucks in the bathroom and dies first as it would happen in any horror movie. The hot ass stewardesses & (The "gay" steward). But by far, my favorite character... Rick the pilot (also known as Champ Kind from Anchorman). Not only was he his sleazy self, but after he gets bit, he fuckin beats the shit outta the snakes. And he made the quote list!
The Quotes
Well, this might be the most important part of the movie. Let's just see if I can remember them all (please also feel free to add any of your fav!):
"Great, now we got snakes on CRACK!" - SLJ
"Do what I say, and you'll live" - SLJ
"I am opening the fuckin window!" - SLJ
"Whose your daddy now BITCH!" - Gay Steward
as Rick is dying from being bit by a snake "Here, let me wrap your arm with my scarf" - stewardess, "thanks, I think I might need your shirt too!" - Rick (Champ Kind)
Oh how awesome was this movie?!?!?! Please post your comments, and if you havent seen it yet, go see SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!! Greatest movie of the summer! (sorry Johnny Depp)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Saturday Night in Chicago (Narcisse & Vision)
So, I decided to go to another open bar with NeilE in Chicago (last time I regretted the next day, and sure enough the same happened to me this time!) Meeting us in Chicago was Mike Strange, and 3 of his friends. Along with us came Neil's friend Ang and the infamous, Andrew Raelson! To start things off, Andrew had nothing but flip flops and shorts with him, so Neil was kind enough to go back to his place and dress him in his own clothes. Sadly enough, I think Neil enjoyed it WAY too much! We were a little late getting to the club as usualy, but made it at 9:15pm, allowing us a good hour and 15 mins to enjoy a completely open bar (including red bull!)
Baltic Bloc CD Release Party @ Narcisse 9:15pm
Sure enough, we got to the club in Chicago for only a $5 cover and all the well drinks we could consume! Awaiting us was Yuris and Andy, the two that make up the Baltic Bloc. Unfortunatly for them, none of their CDs got pressed and the CD release night turned more into just a regular night, until the power went out. FOr about 20 mins, no music. It was akward. Then the music kicked on, and the open bar was about to close, so I ordered me 2 more rum and cokes. The bartender then ran out of well rum, so he poured me Bacardi. Later on, we were informed that the downstairs of the club was a "Swingers Club". You had to have a date to go in, but Neil found a back way so we went. It was FUCKED UP! Half the room was a giant bed with people all over it, another room only shut out by a half way shut curtain revealed a guy "railing" a girl on a bench, with 4 other people (guys and girls) watching! Enough was enough, and we left. This was also the last thing I remember from Narcisse.
Vision 1:00am
Somehow I lasted a good 2 hours without ordering another drink at Narcisse. I was anhilated! We arrived at Vision, where I had the biggest pain in the ass getting in. Yuris and Andy almost didnt get into their own gig! Finally we got our hand stamped and I wandered around. I was wasted and didnt need anymore. Later on Neil Andrew ang and I went to the top floor, through yet another back door. Around 3:00am, we decided to leave, and made Andrew pound his last beer. Another blurry memory ahead!
Neil's Car on Highway 30 in Merrillville 3:45am
I awoke in the front seat, not really sure how or when I got into the car. I look at the car stereo and saw it was 15 til 4. I finish the extra bottle of water I put in Neil's car before we left. We started talkin about food and I wouldnt shut up about how delicious a Subway sandwhich would be made by Neil's bro with whatever I wanted on it! Then I wanted White Castle, but first we had to drop Ang off. We drop her off around 4:00am in Valpo, and I am feelin bad. I know I'm gonna puke, but I hold it in til we make it to my house...
152 Sunset Drive 4:15am
Neil drops me off and thanks me for not puking in his car. I go to the garage door to get in, and my parents locked it. So I call them up. They aren't too upset and I go upstairs where I puke for a good 15 minutes. I was done, out of commision. I then went to bed in my hot as hell room and woke up the next day hungover as hell and with a terrible sore throat from puking. I guess I will just never learn! Until next time!
Baltic Bloc CD Release Party @ Narcisse 9:15pm
Sure enough, we got to the club in Chicago for only a $5 cover and all the well drinks we could consume! Awaiting us was Yuris and Andy, the two that make up the Baltic Bloc. Unfortunatly for them, none of their CDs got pressed and the CD release night turned more into just a regular night, until the power went out. FOr about 20 mins, no music. It was akward. Then the music kicked on, and the open bar was about to close, so I ordered me 2 more rum and cokes. The bartender then ran out of well rum, so he poured me Bacardi. Later on, we were informed that the downstairs of the club was a "Swingers Club". You had to have a date to go in, but Neil found a back way so we went. It was FUCKED UP! Half the room was a giant bed with people all over it, another room only shut out by a half way shut curtain revealed a guy "railing" a girl on a bench, with 4 other people (guys and girls) watching! Enough was enough, and we left. This was also the last thing I remember from Narcisse.
Vision 1:00am
Somehow I lasted a good 2 hours without ordering another drink at Narcisse. I was anhilated! We arrived at Vision, where I had the biggest pain in the ass getting in. Yuris and Andy almost didnt get into their own gig! Finally we got our hand stamped and I wandered around. I was wasted and didnt need anymore. Later on Neil Andrew ang and I went to the top floor, through yet another back door. Around 3:00am, we decided to leave, and made Andrew pound his last beer. Another blurry memory ahead!
Neil's Car on Highway 30 in Merrillville 3:45am
I awoke in the front seat, not really sure how or when I got into the car. I look at the car stereo and saw it was 15 til 4. I finish the extra bottle of water I put in Neil's car before we left. We started talkin about food and I wouldnt shut up about how delicious a Subway sandwhich would be made by Neil's bro with whatever I wanted on it! Then I wanted White Castle, but first we had to drop Ang off. We drop her off around 4:00am in Valpo, and I am feelin bad. I know I'm gonna puke, but I hold it in til we make it to my house...
152 Sunset Drive 4:15am
Neil drops me off and thanks me for not puking in his car. I go to the garage door to get in, and my parents locked it. So I call them up. They aren't too upset and I go upstairs where I puke for a good 15 minutes. I was done, out of commision. I then went to bed in my hot as hell room and woke up the next day hungover as hell and with a terrible sore throat from puking. I guess I will just never learn! Until next time!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Vegas Baby, VEGAS!!!
So, I just got back from my free trip to Vegas! Overall, it was an awesome time, got to show Anthony around for a few days and hang out with some of my good buds from Valpo. And of course, I lost some money, drank a shitload, ate some delicous buffets, and oddly enough, actually learned some stuff at the NAB! 4 free nights at Caesar's Palace and 1 night at the Stratosphere, and of course airfare and transportation, all paid for by Dean Hamm... I love that guy! Here's a little summary of my trip, I decided to split it into NAB and Fun. Enjoy!
The National Association for Broadcasters Convention
Well I must admit, I was pretty intimidated when I first got here. I did attend a few workshops, where I learned After Effects, Motion, and how to create a reel in about 4 hours total, all taught by pro's. Once Monday hit, the convention opened up, and there was some COOL SHIT there! The first cool demo I saw an Ultra Hi-Def TV. This projection was about 40' x 100', and it also included 22.2 surround sound. The picture quality was unbelievable. In one clip, they showed a Pacer's game, and it was so realistic looking, it felt like you were watching the game from the bleachers at the fieldhouse.
The Next real cool thing I saw was a live band. They were all playing electronic instruments, and the only noise you could hear was the faint tapping of the drum pads. But if you walk over to the demo, you could put headphones on. Once you put them on, the band sounded like you were at a concert. You could even adjust the lows, mids, and highs of each individual instrument (including the electronic flute!) The sound was so real and amazing, I can't wait to see this thing really hit!
The last real cool thing I enjoyed wasnt even a specific event, but the free shit. At one stand, they had a live DJ, free beer, free crackers and cheese, and frickin massage chairs! Another stand had cigar-looking girls carrying around trays of margaritas. And then I used the internet (which didnt have a toolbar, so you couldnt type in an address, so I just used the F1 key to get into the help mode, go to MSN.com and used the search bar.) The security guy was amazed and thought I was a hacker, and he the went and stole me a laptop bag that only speakers got for free. Ah, I love free shit!
Vegas, the Fun stuff!
And when I wasn't dressed up like an office worker at the convention, I made the most out of my trip as possible! One day, we chilled out at 1 of the 4 outdoor pools at Casar's. Another night, Neil and I went to the rides on top of the Stratosphere. At 1100' off the ground, we went even higher on their "big shot" ride which shoots you up at like 4G's. That was freaky but cool. The other ride we rode was the "x Scream", not cool. Basically, it teter totters you over the side of the building, and drops you til the metal bar catches your cart. Yes, we put our lives in the hands of a few metal bars holding us in, created by a Vegas casino. Not one of my prouder moments. And I have NO intention to EVER ride that thing again!
The last day I was there, I actually ran into some other college film makers, who were attending the NAB. I hung out with them for a while, and they invited me to Hooters, but I knew I didnt have the time. So I traveled down the strip with a bottle or Bacardi and a bottle of coke. I then ran into a girl who was taping the strip. I talked to her, only find out she graduated IU and works for Discovery Channel Travel! She interviewed me and I helped her with some camera shots. Maybe I can even persuade her to give me a job!!!
The last adventure I had in Vegas was getting to the shuttle to the airport on time. I had to be there at 1030, so I took the monorail at 10pm. BTW, the monorail stations are so far of a walk through the casinos, dont ever ride them if your in a rush. I get to it, take it to the 2nd last stop before mine, and it says its turning around. Im like WTF! So I get off, then see it go to my stop. So I have to wait for the next rail 6 mins later. Its now 1025. I get on it, get off at Sahara and RUN to the Stratosphere. Luckily, the Bond theme song "Live and Let Die" was playing in the casino, so it pumped me up. I got to the shuttle a few mins late, but then saw him and asked him to wait. He waited and asked me if I wanted to run to a store for some water. I just laughed. I actually enjoyed the shuttle ride, as we were big dorks and talked about wiring surround sound.
Got to the airport, and flew to Minnesota at 1am. I then flew from MN to Indy and arrived around 10am. Took the 1040 shuttle to Btown, and then got the first shut eye I had since Monday morning. Overal, it was a kickass trip, but I have to admit, its nice to be home! Now it's time to get my work done!!!
The National Association for Broadcasters Convention
Well I must admit, I was pretty intimidated when I first got here. I did attend a few workshops, where I learned After Effects, Motion, and how to create a reel in about 4 hours total, all taught by pro's. Once Monday hit, the convention opened up, and there was some COOL SHIT there! The first cool demo I saw an Ultra Hi-Def TV. This projection was about 40' x 100', and it also included 22.2 surround sound. The picture quality was unbelievable. In one clip, they showed a Pacer's game, and it was so realistic looking, it felt like you were watching the game from the bleachers at the fieldhouse.
The Next real cool thing I saw was a live band. They were all playing electronic instruments, and the only noise you could hear was the faint tapping of the drum pads. But if you walk over to the demo, you could put headphones on. Once you put them on, the band sounded like you were at a concert. You could even adjust the lows, mids, and highs of each individual instrument (including the electronic flute!) The sound was so real and amazing, I can't wait to see this thing really hit!
The last real cool thing I enjoyed wasnt even a specific event, but the free shit. At one stand, they had a live DJ, free beer, free crackers and cheese, and frickin massage chairs! Another stand had cigar-looking girls carrying around trays of margaritas. And then I used the internet (which didnt have a toolbar, so you couldnt type in an address, so I just used the F1 key to get into the help mode, go to MSN.com and used the search bar.) The security guy was amazed and thought I was a hacker, and he the went and stole me a laptop bag that only speakers got for free. Ah, I love free shit!
Vegas, the Fun stuff!
And when I wasn't dressed up like an office worker at the convention, I made the most out of my trip as possible! One day, we chilled out at 1 of the 4 outdoor pools at Casar's. Another night, Neil and I went to the rides on top of the Stratosphere. At 1100' off the ground, we went even higher on their "big shot" ride which shoots you up at like 4G's. That was freaky but cool. The other ride we rode was the "x Scream", not cool. Basically, it teter totters you over the side of the building, and drops you til the metal bar catches your cart. Yes, we put our lives in the hands of a few metal bars holding us in, created by a Vegas casino. Not one of my prouder moments. And I have NO intention to EVER ride that thing again!
The last day I was there, I actually ran into some other college film makers, who were attending the NAB. I hung out with them for a while, and they invited me to Hooters, but I knew I didnt have the time. So I traveled down the strip with a bottle or Bacardi and a bottle of coke. I then ran into a girl who was taping the strip. I talked to her, only find out she graduated IU and works for Discovery Channel Travel! She interviewed me and I helped her with some camera shots. Maybe I can even persuade her to give me a job!!!
The last adventure I had in Vegas was getting to the shuttle to the airport on time. I had to be there at 1030, so I took the monorail at 10pm. BTW, the monorail stations are so far of a walk through the casinos, dont ever ride them if your in a rush. I get to it, take it to the 2nd last stop before mine, and it says its turning around. Im like WTF! So I get off, then see it go to my stop. So I have to wait for the next rail 6 mins later. Its now 1025. I get on it, get off at Sahara and RUN to the Stratosphere. Luckily, the Bond theme song "Live and Let Die" was playing in the casino, so it pumped me up. I got to the shuttle a few mins late, but then saw him and asked him to wait. He waited and asked me if I wanted to run to a store for some water. I just laughed. I actually enjoyed the shuttle ride, as we were big dorks and talked about wiring surround sound.
Got to the airport, and flew to Minnesota at 1am. I then flew from MN to Indy and arrived around 10am. Took the 1040 shuttle to Btown, and then got the first shut eye I had since Monday morning. Overal, it was a kickass trip, but I have to admit, its nice to be home! Now it's time to get my work done!!!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
TShirts when I get bored
OK, this is what happens when I get real bored! BTW, these images are copyrighted, if you would like a TShirt, please send $15 to me!

Oh and if you like AD, I also did this when I was really hungover and bored with FaceBook:

Oh and if you like AD, I also did this when I was really hungover and bored with FaceBook:
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirates Life for me
So, as I was driving around Wed night (with the doors off my jeep), I got extremely sleepy in about a second. Not thinking anything of it, I went home and we watched some Arrested Devolopment. Throughout the 5 episodes we watched, my eye began to hurt worse and worse. I rubbed my eye, attempted to flush it out, and even used eye drops, but no love. Finally, I look in the mirror only to see a tiny black spec just under my pupil. I attempt to fish it out with my finger, and no go. So I decide to go to sleep, or atleast attempt to with something lodged in my eye.
I wake up the next day in sheer pain. I go to the 10am Advisory Board meeting looking like I just did a whole lot of drugs. Nose running, eyes bload shot, couldnt keep them opened I struggled through the meeting. I then went to the health center and told them my problems. As I went to the doctors office, he numbed my eye and attempted to get it out with a cotton swab. No go, again. So he escorted me to the eye clinic. There they shined this bright ass light in my eyes and noticed I actually got a piece of asphalt in my eye. Fuckin fabulous! So the student doctor in training used something that she described as a "mini golf club" to "flip" it outta my eye. They then dilated my eye and sent me off on my way.
For the rest of the day, my left pupil was huge and a looked like a freak. Not to mention, looking at any light killed. So I went to the banquet wearing my sunglasses inside. Funny enough, no one really questioned why I was wearing them, they just thought I was being an ass. So, to the after party, I wore an eyepatch, which helped with light, but completely fucked my depth perception so anyone who waved their hand at me quickly freaked me out.
Today, I went in for a check up. The first thing the new student doctor said was "how the hell did you get asphalt in your eye?!?". He then looked at it, dilated it again, dyed my eye yellow (which was really weird) and scheduled me to come back again in on Mon. Yippee, now my eyes will be dilated for another two days. This is what happens when you take the doors off your jeep...
I wake up the next day in sheer pain. I go to the 10am Advisory Board meeting looking like I just did a whole lot of drugs. Nose running, eyes bload shot, couldnt keep them opened I struggled through the meeting. I then went to the health center and told them my problems. As I went to the doctors office, he numbed my eye and attempted to get it out with a cotton swab. No go, again. So he escorted me to the eye clinic. There they shined this bright ass light in my eyes and noticed I actually got a piece of asphalt in my eye. Fuckin fabulous! So the student doctor in training used something that she described as a "mini golf club" to "flip" it outta my eye. They then dilated my eye and sent me off on my way.
For the rest of the day, my left pupil was huge and a looked like a freak. Not to mention, looking at any light killed. So I went to the banquet wearing my sunglasses inside. Funny enough, no one really questioned why I was wearing them, they just thought I was being an ass. So, to the after party, I wore an eyepatch, which helped with light, but completely fucked my depth perception so anyone who waved their hand at me quickly freaked me out.
Today, I went in for a check up. The first thing the new student doctor said was "how the hell did you get asphalt in your eye?!?". He then looked at it, dilated it again, dyed my eye yellow (which was really weird) and scheduled me to come back again in on Mon. Yippee, now my eyes will be dilated for another two days. This is what happens when you take the doors off your jeep...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
An adventure through the sticks of Indiana
So Saturday was our IUSTV executive retreat at Waycross Christian Camp located in (or you could say around) Morgantown, IN. It all started at the IUSTV offices. We had to meet at 10am on a Sat which I was still exhausted from taping Multivisions and attending a Formal the day before. I arrive with Jenny around 10am, and sure enough am not the last ones there. In fact, Anthony was late along with Kyle, but not as late as Kaylyn's 30 min delay. So we all split up, and I chose to ride in Kyle's car along with Brian. And then the journey begins...
As we leave Bloomington, we glance at the directions and Kyle says he knows where we are going. The first direction is to get on 45. Brian suggests we take 10th St. but Kyle takes 3rd. No biggie, or so we thought. As we drive and tell old stories in the car, Jenny calls to make sure we are on track. This is when we realize we are headed off course. We stare at the shitty map with no street names and have an idea where we are. Kyle suggests we just take 46 til it loops around, then head down to Waycross. This seems like a good idea at the time.
Now we are heading through Nashville, approximately 15 miles out of the way. We start heading north to Morgantown, where the camps address is supposedly located. As we drive through the small town, we decide to take the first big highway (and the first light we've seen since Nashville) and head west towards the camp. This miserably leads us to Painted Hills, which is located just east of Martinsville, way the hell outta the way. We then decide to stop at the biggest (and scariest) church Ive seen. (Un)Fortunately the doors are locked. We decide to head back to the town of Morgantown...
As we pull back into town, we stop at cafe to ask for directions. Of course, there is a sign out front reading "Closed for Memorial". Just our luck. I get a call saying the guys are begining to eat lunch and I am now pissed. As Brian and I wait outside the car, Kyle runs into a tiny gift shop. There, Kyle got very vague directions, and to help further our adventure, he pointed in the direction we needed to head. The only prob was this guy only had 3 fingers. God knows which finger we were to follow. As a confused Kyle walks out and explains us he got nothing, I decide to take things into my own hands and go to a place all answers can be told; a local bar. As I entered the smoke filled space, I notice an akward looking couple eating at the bar, and the other side loaded with a bunch of "locals" eating lunch and drinking Budweiser at 11am. I ask the waitress if she knows how to get to Waycross and immediatly the guy next to me yells out "my mother used to work there!" Excited, I ask him for directions. He turns to his buddies and they all argue/discuss the quickest way to the camp. While I am waiting, I notice they have $2 beers... ironically enough, Kyle entered the bar as soon as I see this sign from god. He makes sure I am n ot drinking, and then the waitress asks if we want a pepsi to go. I then respond with, can I have a bud to go? A disgusted eye roll was all I got back. The local "boys" finally come to a decision. The guy then takes a notepad and starts drawing a map, with no street names of course. I grab the pad and ask him to describe the directions as I write them down. They consist of: go to the light, take that road til it goes over the big hill, turn left, then turn right at the T, then vear off to the left when the road Y's. There will be signs. As detailed as these directions were, they were wrong. Basically, we got into the woods, then took every road and backtracked til we thought we were going the right way. At one point, we drive by a house and a church with many cars outside. The guys nominate me to go ask for directions. I knock at the house, no answer. Then I go to the church, knock and peak inside. I was staring at what looked to be a church from the 1800's. We then quickly left. We drove around some more, only to find some dirt/gravel covered roads. We take a few more Y turns and finally we see somewhat walking their dogs whom didnt look like they were going to jump us and "make us squeel like pigs".
We ask the nice lady how to get there and she tells us. Take this to Richards Rd and take a left. THe only thing was, she pointed to the right. So we are like WTF! We follow her directions, only to end up back to the creepy chruch. We turn around on the dirt road and go the opposite way. The woods are begining to break up and we see power cables. In fact, one power cable is hanging so low I couldve reached out the sunroof and touched it. We FINALLY see signs for Waycross. After driving through the backwoods of Indiana past Cattle x-ing signs, and looking for a bridge that didnt have any water underneath it (one of Kaylyn's wonderful directions) we got to waycross, only to realize we didnt know which cars were Nate's and Kaylyn's. We go to the entrance that looks like it is where they are. Its locked. Fortunatly Kasey comes and gets us.
We enjoy our lunch and discuss our topics. We get done on time and leave. This time, it's me Kyle and Anthony. Of course, Anthony doesnt know how to get back and we are in the lead. We go until we find a road to turn on and take it. The car behind us follows. We are relieved. Then Kaylyn goes the other way. We are freaked out. Thankfully it was correct and took us to 45. And that was my Saturday, how was yours???
As we leave Bloomington, we glance at the directions and Kyle says he knows where we are going. The first direction is to get on 45. Brian suggests we take 10th St. but Kyle takes 3rd. No biggie, or so we thought. As we drive and tell old stories in the car, Jenny calls to make sure we are on track. This is when we realize we are headed off course. We stare at the shitty map with no street names and have an idea where we are. Kyle suggests we just take 46 til it loops around, then head down to Waycross. This seems like a good idea at the time.
Now we are heading through Nashville, approximately 15 miles out of the way. We start heading north to Morgantown, where the camps address is supposedly located. As we drive through the small town, we decide to take the first big highway (and the first light we've seen since Nashville) and head west towards the camp. This miserably leads us to Painted Hills, which is located just east of Martinsville, way the hell outta the way. We then decide to stop at the biggest (and scariest) church Ive seen. (Un)Fortunately the doors are locked. We decide to head back to the town of Morgantown...
As we pull back into town, we stop at cafe to ask for directions. Of course, there is a sign out front reading "Closed for Memorial". Just our luck. I get a call saying the guys are begining to eat lunch and I am now pissed. As Brian and I wait outside the car, Kyle runs into a tiny gift shop. There, Kyle got very vague directions, and to help further our adventure, he pointed in the direction we needed to head. The only prob was this guy only had 3 fingers. God knows which finger we were to follow. As a confused Kyle walks out and explains us he got nothing, I decide to take things into my own hands and go to a place all answers can be told; a local bar. As I entered the smoke filled space, I notice an akward looking couple eating at the bar, and the other side loaded with a bunch of "locals" eating lunch and drinking Budweiser at 11am. I ask the waitress if she knows how to get to Waycross and immediatly the guy next to me yells out "my mother used to work there!" Excited, I ask him for directions. He turns to his buddies and they all argue/discuss the quickest way to the camp. While I am waiting, I notice they have $2 beers... ironically enough, Kyle entered the bar as soon as I see this sign from god. He makes sure I am n ot drinking, and then the waitress asks if we want a pepsi to go. I then respond with, can I have a bud to go? A disgusted eye roll was all I got back. The local "boys" finally come to a decision. The guy then takes a notepad and starts drawing a map, with no street names of course. I grab the pad and ask him to describe the directions as I write them down. They consist of: go to the light, take that road til it goes over the big hill, turn left, then turn right at the T, then vear off to the left when the road Y's. There will be signs. As detailed as these directions were, they were wrong. Basically, we got into the woods, then took every road and backtracked til we thought we were going the right way. At one point, we drive by a house and a church with many cars outside. The guys nominate me to go ask for directions. I knock at the house, no answer. Then I go to the church, knock and peak inside. I was staring at what looked to be a church from the 1800's. We then quickly left. We drove around some more, only to find some dirt/gravel covered roads. We take a few more Y turns and finally we see somewhat walking their dogs whom didnt look like they were going to jump us and "make us squeel like pigs".
We ask the nice lady how to get there and she tells us. Take this to Richards Rd and take a left. THe only thing was, she pointed to the right. So we are like WTF! We follow her directions, only to end up back to the creepy chruch. We turn around on the dirt road and go the opposite way. The woods are begining to break up and we see power cables. In fact, one power cable is hanging so low I couldve reached out the sunroof and touched it. We FINALLY see signs for Waycross. After driving through the backwoods of Indiana past Cattle x-ing signs, and looking for a bridge that didnt have any water underneath it (one of Kaylyn's wonderful directions) we got to waycross, only to realize we didnt know which cars were Nate's and Kaylyn's. We go to the entrance that looks like it is where they are. Its locked. Fortunatly Kasey comes and gets us.
We enjoy our lunch and discuss our topics. We get done on time and leave. This time, it's me Kyle and Anthony. Of course, Anthony doesnt know how to get back and we are in the lead. We go until we find a road to turn on and take it. The car behind us follows. We are relieved. Then Kaylyn goes the other way. We are freaked out. Thankfully it was correct and took us to 45. And that was my Saturday, how was yours???
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Today's Random item in the mail
So ya, I did recieve another random package from the same address in Culver City, CA. This one was about 6" x 6" x 12", so it seemed a little more realistic. I opened it up and it was this:

Sure enough I was freaked out. Everyone I told thought it was badass. So I thought, lets just see how much it will go for on ebay. Sure enough, the damn thing is some collectors item that only a few people recieved during some speech at comicon in San Fran this year. And it is going for $75 on ebay. WOW. The real ques is what do I do with this flimsy ass mask... sell it on ebay for a cool $75 to gamble with in Vegas next month, or wait and hold onto it, hoping it will escalate in price? If anyone that is reading this is a collector, please give me your input!

Sure enough I was freaked out. Everyone I told thought it was badass. So I thought, lets just see how much it will go for on ebay. Sure enough, the damn thing is some collectors item that only a few people recieved during some speech at comicon in San Fran this year. And it is going for $75 on ebay. WOW. The real ques is what do I do with this flimsy ass mask... sell it on ebay for a cool $75 to gamble with in Vegas next month, or wait and hold onto it, hoping it will escalate in price? If anyone that is reading this is a collector, please give me your input!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Words cannot express what I feel when I watch this:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Where is this shit coming from?!?
Well, sure enough I never recieved box 3/4. Yesterday, I recieved, or what I thought. Today I recieved a 27lb box including matrix shirts, starsky and hutch crap, and a bunch of old movie promotions. I assumed it was the missing box. This one was actually labelled to my name and address in Bloomington, but was from the same company that sent me 100lbs of tampons. As I looked at the box, it was 1/1, so who knows what happened to the other box. And will I continue to be recieving these random items? Only time will tell. Any wagers on what I will recieve in my next package? I am taking bets now, and sorry Tuholski, it wasnt a kitten!
Monday, March 20, 2006
This should happen to Larry David...
So today started pretty typical, had to wake up early to drive from Valpo to BTown before SCAP. Unpacked, checked the mail, went to class. As I come home and walk in my door, I look on the couch and see a package. Yippee I think in my head. Ooh, its heavy too. I open it and it looks like a bunch of posters. Huh, I already recieved my yearly St Pauli's Girl poster.

Dawn walks out of her room, what the fuck did you order? The ups guys said its supposed to go to Minnesota. She points at two more boxes in the corner.

I look at them and they weigh 50 lbs each. I open them and find 20 little girly bags tightly placed in each box. They look like one of those packs you get the first day of college including all fun stuff like shampoo and tampons. So Dawn asks to open one and she does. The contents appear as follows:

I am even more blown away now. I have 40 of these bags of girly goodies sitting in my living room and a box filled so tightly with poster I cannot remove them to look at them without ripping the box. The real funny thing is; the boxes are all labelled 1 of 4, 2 of 4, and 4 of 4. But I never recieved box #3... what will come of this? Stay tuned and read my next blog! Please let me know if anyone has any insight on this!

Dawn walks out of her room, what the fuck did you order? The ups guys said its supposed to go to Minnesota. She points at two more boxes in the corner.

I look at them and they weigh 50 lbs each. I open them and find 20 little girly bags tightly placed in each box. They look like one of those packs you get the first day of college including all fun stuff like shampoo and tampons. So Dawn asks to open one and she does. The contents appear as follows:

I am even more blown away now. I have 40 of these bags of girly goodies sitting in my living room and a box filled so tightly with poster I cannot remove them to look at them without ripping the box. The real funny thing is; the boxes are all labelled 1 of 4, 2 of 4, and 4 of 4. But I never recieved box #3... what will come of this? Stay tuned and read my next blog! Please let me know if anyone has any insight on this!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I hope Neil's not a Vampire!
So, we decided to go out and party last night (saturday) in Valpo since we didnt go too crazy party-wise in LA. It all started when I pounded 3 bottles Franzekanser (this thick-ass german hefeweisen beer). We then headed to a chill bar and they had black and tans on special. But besides the regular black and tans, they offered an assortment of mixers to go on bottom. They were all topped with guiness, but I ordered a black and blue; guiness and blue moon. Josh ordered a black and cider, guiness and cider obviously. After 2 black and blues, we went to the Franklin House, a local towny bar that recently remodeled (and got its liquor license revoked) It was nicer than I imagined, and went ahead and ordered an MGD. Josh then ordered us all a "Lunchbox"; a pint of beer and you drop a shot of half amaretto half OJ. The thing was, the dumb bartender mixed the pint of beer with OJ, then gave us a shot of amaretto. After chugging half a glass of this concoction, I stopped and burped.
Throughout the night, Neil wanted to steal some glasses as usual, so I took a break and stole a glass into his car. I was then DD for the night, so I stopped drinking. Well, Josh wanted to steal a shot glass, which sucked so he grabbed one. We then shoved 3 more in his pockets (some not empty). Then night ended with a total of 4 stolen pint glasses, and 4 shot glasses. After Neil ordered drinks back and forth, I drove Josh home, and went on to my house. Neil and Valia wanted to go to Pepes, which was closed, so I went to White Castle instead. As we are ordering, Neil takes my phone and calls Beka Schultz. I think this is a bad idea, so I try and close the phone. What does Neil do? He fuckin bites my shoulder. I yell and drop the phone. The WC employees are obviously like, WTF, but we get our food and continue home. After an hour or so of Neil lookin at my digi pics, Jeff calls my cell and Neil answers and repeats only "holla at your boy". They get pissed, and Neil leaves at 5am. Jeff continues to call me back and i dont answer til about 530 am. And that was a night on the town in Valpo.
Throughout the night, Neil wanted to steal some glasses as usual, so I took a break and stole a glass into his car. I was then DD for the night, so I stopped drinking. Well, Josh wanted to steal a shot glass, which sucked so he grabbed one. We then shoved 3 more in his pockets (some not empty). Then night ended with a total of 4 stolen pint glasses, and 4 shot glasses. After Neil ordered drinks back and forth, I drove Josh home, and went on to my house. Neil and Valia wanted to go to Pepes, which was closed, so I went to White Castle instead. As we are ordering, Neil takes my phone and calls Beka Schultz. I think this is a bad idea, so I try and close the phone. What does Neil do? He fuckin bites my shoulder. I yell and drop the phone. The WC employees are obviously like, WTF, but we get our food and continue home. After an hour or so of Neil lookin at my digi pics, Jeff calls my cell and Neil answers and repeats only "holla at your boy". They get pissed, and Neil leaves at 5am. Jeff continues to call me back and i dont answer til about 530 am. And that was a night on the town in Valpo.
Friday, March 03, 2006
A not so typical Thursday...
So today started off pretty normal... kinda chilly outside, thought I would go get Valia a few BDay presents. So I met Yoosuk at the mall to go shopping for his g/f and my g/f. To begin, Yoosuk looked for the book "The Count of Monte Cristo" for a good hour, no luck. So we bth left the mall and as I am leaving, I hear his car not starting. Normally, I would wait to make sure his car starts, but the night before he told me this is usal. About 1 minute later, I get a phone call from guess who... Yoosuk. He's outta gas, so I went and bought a gas can and some gas. So now my car smells of gasoline and my head begins to hurt.
To further things, I get a call from Brian, saying that G's episode is done, but its on the record computer, which is not connected to the network. I try to explain to him to use the tech team hard drive, but he is busy with the infocastor. So my next feat is to help B out.
About 30 secs later, I get a freaked out voicemail of Alicia with no team to go tape some HSH shoot. I called her back and explained to her that I had a meeting and she needed to find someone else, even though I "help" all the other teams out!
Lastly, to put the icing on the cake, I get a voicemail from Alex stating that Rachel left town and could not host HD. So now we need a host. Since we could think of no one else to do it, I ended up hosting my first episode of HD! The real fun part was the answer I get from the 2nd contestant. The question is "Have you ever done anything that youve regretted while beign drunk?" Her response was "Ive been in many regretable threesomes" I was speechless nonetheless.
The night then ended with no batteries left in the storage room, and Kaylyn turning into business mode expressing her true thoughts on what we should do to get more equipment. Sounds like a good future director!
To further things, I get a call from Brian, saying that G's episode is done, but its on the record computer, which is not connected to the network. I try to explain to him to use the tech team hard drive, but he is busy with the infocastor. So my next feat is to help B out.
About 30 secs later, I get a freaked out voicemail of Alicia with no team to go tape some HSH shoot. I called her back and explained to her that I had a meeting and she needed to find someone else, even though I "help" all the other teams out!
Lastly, to put the icing on the cake, I get a voicemail from Alex stating that Rachel left town and could not host HD. So now we need a host. Since we could think of no one else to do it, I ended up hosting my first episode of HD! The real fun part was the answer I get from the 2nd contestant. The question is "Have you ever done anything that youve regretted while beign drunk?" Her response was "Ive been in many regretable threesomes" I was speechless nonetheless.
The night then ended with no batteries left in the storage room, and Kaylyn turning into business mode expressing her true thoughts on what we should do to get more equipment. Sounds like a good future director!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The "N" word
This is gonna be short and sweet. The only thing I want to point out is my favorite quote in the following video... "I like to emphasize the [ah]". Just watch this video, you might be somewhat offended, but the greatest part of all is that this guy just doesnt give a fuck!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
An American Wherewolf in Bloomington?
So, as I am cruising down frat row with the top down on a beautiful February afternoon, I gaze down the road and see 2 guys standing in the road. As I get closer, it appears one is attempting to hitch-hike giving me a thumbs up. The weird thing, he was wearing gloves... or so I thought. As I get within visual range, I notice this guy is wearing a complete wherewolf costume, gloves, mask and boots, with hair popping out of his track jacket. As I drove past the wherewolf and his buddy, I just gave him a WTF look and shrugged my shoulders. And this is just another daily even of my life!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Pepsi's Rock Song of the Day
So I jump in the shower shorlty after waking up (around 1pm), turn the shower on to warm it up, and turn on my shower radio. Some Nickleback song is playing and it ends after a minute or so. The a radio promo comes on stating "Bloomington's best music, B97". What song comes on immediatly following this station ID??? Livin' La Vida Loca. At first I am like, oh this must be some parody or something... I was incorrect. So for three minutes, I am listening to Ricky Martin in my shower, hoping the landlord does NOT show off the house today and hear this ridiculous music playing. As the song ends, Pam Thrash comes on and is like, thanks for calling, you heard the Pepsi Rock song of the Day and one a $50 gift certificate for calling in during Livin la Vida Loca. At this point, I am astonished that they would choose this song to give away a prize. Shortly after this, I turned the radio off and finished my shower.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Snowboarding, Kyle's 21st, La Bambas
So yesterday was rather eventful and made the blog. It all started with me and Yoosuk getting some lunch at KFC in BTown before going snowboarding at Paoli. We enjoy a delicous lunch, and as we are leaving, we pull the car into reverse to reach the garbage cab in the drive through line (since no one else was waiting). As we are trying to clean out his car (from the 2 month old fast food drinks that leaked in the cup holders), we hear a loud, revving engine and look behind us.
Of course, it's a late 80's, camaro with a rag top. Instead of honking his horn, what does this southern indiana boy do... rev his engine.
After that, we went snowboarding where I taught Yoosuk to board. Pretty damn good actually. He challenged me to do a jump, and I definately fell and messed up my elbow. We then later asked someone to take a pic of me and Yoosuk and of course, the girl is like, can my friend Kelly get in it??? Ya, dont know if that was a good idea or not, gotta wait for the film to develop!
After the boarding, an exhausted and hungry Yoosuk and I decided to eat more fast food, Taco Bell this time. We ordered over 2 lbs of food between the two of us, and I decided to try the new dessert, the Caramel Apple Empenada. I order it, give the cashier my money, and get a reciept. A minute later, the manager (missing one of his front teeth, and the other one being a gold tooth with some sort of design carved into it) and said we are all out of the Empenada's. Hes like, OK i can give you a refund, you want some nachos? I am like, uh... do you have any other desserts. Of course, they did not, so he gave me an order a nachos, which filled up stomach with even more Taco Bell.
After the Bell, I drove Yoosuk's car back to BTown. I hopped in the shower and I went out for Kyle's 21st BDay, where he was already trashed at Nick's. I buy him a beer as you should on anyone's BDay, and sure enough, he passes out in the bathroom. Unfortunately, we had to escort Kyle to Jen's car, where his girlfriend said one of the best quotes ever, "I dont wanna sit next time him in the back seat, he might puke all over me!". Ah, thats what friends are for! After this, Anthony and I go to Kilroys where we ran into Diamond. After this horrible experience, without even getting through the birth canal, we went to Upstairs where we learned a new acronym... NLP. This was explained to us by Dan Aldworth after buying us a round of Jager Bombs to celebrate his show's final take off! Lastly, Anthony and I went to Bamba's where we were disussing editing. Some how, this conversation ended with:
"Does she know how to Edit?" - Anthony
"Me" - Yes
"Then you should have sex with her!" - Anthony
This is Anthony's idea of recruiting I guess! Crazy bastard!
Of course, it's a late 80's, camaro with a rag top. Instead of honking his horn, what does this southern indiana boy do... rev his engine.
After that, we went snowboarding where I taught Yoosuk to board. Pretty damn good actually. He challenged me to do a jump, and I definately fell and messed up my elbow. We then later asked someone to take a pic of me and Yoosuk and of course, the girl is like, can my friend Kelly get in it??? Ya, dont know if that was a good idea or not, gotta wait for the film to develop!
After the boarding, an exhausted and hungry Yoosuk and I decided to eat more fast food, Taco Bell this time. We ordered over 2 lbs of food between the two of us, and I decided to try the new dessert, the Caramel Apple Empenada. I order it, give the cashier my money, and get a reciept. A minute later, the manager (missing one of his front teeth, and the other one being a gold tooth with some sort of design carved into it) and said we are all out of the Empenada's. Hes like, OK i can give you a refund, you want some nachos? I am like, uh... do you have any other desserts. Of course, they did not, so he gave me an order a nachos, which filled up stomach with even more Taco Bell.
After the Bell, I drove Yoosuk's car back to BTown. I hopped in the shower and I went out for Kyle's 21st BDay, where he was already trashed at Nick's. I buy him a beer as you should on anyone's BDay, and sure enough, he passes out in the bathroom. Unfortunately, we had to escort Kyle to Jen's car, where his girlfriend said one of the best quotes ever, "I dont wanna sit next time him in the back seat, he might puke all over me!". Ah, thats what friends are for! After this, Anthony and I go to Kilroys where we ran into Diamond. After this horrible experience, without even getting through the birth canal, we went to Upstairs where we learned a new acronym... NLP. This was explained to us by Dan Aldworth after buying us a round of Jager Bombs to celebrate his show's final take off! Lastly, Anthony and I went to Bamba's where we were disussing editing. Some how, this conversation ended with:
"Does she know how to Edit?" - Anthony
"Me" - Yes
"Then you should have sex with her!" - Anthony
This is Anthony's idea of recruiting I guess! Crazy bastard!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Owen House
Finding the House 7:00pm
Well it sure is a damn good thing I created this blog, because once again a ridiculous night was upon myself and the Unlocked crew last night! Because Horwitz needed me, I went on a Sat night shoot with Kyle McVey, Kyle Thoms, Joey, and Anthony. The shoot was scheduled for 8pm so we got there around 7ish to get setup. Things started with a bang, as the directions Horwitz emailed us told us to turn right onto 43, and there was no right. So we got in the right hand lane which ended for no reason and a big pickup truck behind us almost rammed us right across the street from this ghetto conveniant mart that was offering Texas Hold'em. So we go into the state park where we believe this place is (according to the pic online which we later realize is actually they hotel theyre all staying at). We turn around and go left on 43 instead because it seems right. We drive until we find a giant house that fits the description Horwitz left us. We pull up, no lights on and scary as hell. So we walk around in the -10 degree weather and ring the door bell. Fortunately, no one answered and we had already scared the piss out of ourselves so we get back in the car and turn around. Kyle M asks for directions at an old folks home and the lady tells us to go where we were, even though the mailbox was labelled Dood Productions. So we go back to the forrest and find the building that we saw on the internet. Kyle once again goes inside and asks the lady that is working at this convention center, and she has no idea what we are talking about. So we go decide to go back to the scary-ass looking red brick house. This time, there is a car with it's headlights on...
Getting into the House 7:45 pm
So now that we finally think we are at the correct location, we walk up to the car with it's headlights on. This time there are lights also on in the house. Kyle and I walk around the car but there is no one in it, go figure. So this lady at the very back of the house yells for us to enter where she is or at the front door. So being the idiots that we are, we walk up to the front foor where we are welcomed by quite possibly one of the scariest old guys I have ever seen. Take the old creepy guy from "Family Guy", give him a beard, shave his eyebrows off, then clothe him in full army fatigues 3 sized too big with an orange hunting stocking cap. Take all of this in while listening to multiple sirens and alarms going off in the house alongside busted down doors with shit thrown around everywhere; as if it were racksacked by hobos. After the creepy groundskeeper welcomes us, he invites us down the scary, dimly lit hallway, to the back of the house. It is at this point that I look at Kyle and truly believe we are about to get cut up and left in some sort of hole dug into the ground. Fortunately... I was wrong.
And the Ghost Trackers Arrive (finally) 8:15pm
After waiting in the non-heated house for about a half an hour, the IGT teams finally arrive. Prior to this, we were asked where the rest of our clothes and jackets were. The creepy old guy also offered to run out back and grab an sweater he had that we could wear. We all declined, immediatly. We beging by getting everyone to fill out release forms. They bring their children (as usual) which they don't want on camera. We attempt to get some b-roll and interviews that contain some history of the house. Of course, the one who begins talking is Lisa, who of course is holding her child in one hand. Now, there is plenty of Lisa to film at all times, but it is a pain in the ass to even attempt to frame a shot while she has a kid in one hand. So now the president of the IGT Indiana Chapter (and also must pretend to be Indiana Jones, according to his attire) splits the group into 3 teams. As if it were some middle school field trip, none of the ghost trackers would leave the members they came with. So as if her were pulling teeth, the pres assigns people to switch teams. Now for the "fun" to begin.
The Upstairs 8:30
We decided to follow around the president's team for the night. We started upstairs with his crew, and of course the infamous Lisa Bradley had to join. As we begin going through the mental patient's rooms, the pres pulls out some sort of device that measures temperature, or electromagnetic fields, or something not even relevant to anything. Likewise, his assitant (and probably girlfriend/wife) is whipping out her dousing rods. Sine none of this equipment seems to be making much sense to any of us non-IGT folk, we ask them to explain the equipment on camera. Now here comes the fun part... he starts off by describing his little device that basically measures electromagnitivty, which is apparently given off by all living things and ghostly spirits; and the vibrating floorboards. Second device to explain are the dousing rods. To sum it up, basically these are two metal rods that have been used by humans for thousands of years that "find things". He never really explained how, but the just kind of do. Whether youre looking for ghosts, water, or even buried treasure, these special rods have little beads on the handles so you are never really touching the metal, therefore you have no way of choosing where they point. Oh ya, he also said, on camera, that these devices have absolutely no scientific backing. After all this, Lisa gets excited and shows the pres one her "amazing" pictures she captured, and the pres just kinda looks and laughs and says, good work. We have now been in this house for over an hour in the estimated 20-30 degree weather. We are all pretty cold and bored, but now we must move on to the next part.
The Jail Cells 9:15
We all head back down the stairs and are about to go explore the jail cells. Little did we know, but these were mostly outside. As we walk outside the house, we realize the temperature has dropped a good 3o degrees. I took a shot of an outside thermometer reading -10 degrees, but god knows if that thing was even in farenheit. So now we are all just a little bit more miserable than before. We follow the pres around, in and out of cells as he talks to the air with his tape recorder. Nothing moved or made any noise in response to his questions (obviously). After a good 30 mins of freezing our asses off, we all go back inside. By now, I want to get the fuck out of here and go drink heavily. Someone mentions that there is a small building out back, so of course we go out and listen to the pres babble to the air in and old, broken down outhouse. Finally, we go back inside, where we are about to embark on our third and final journey.
The Basement 10:00
So by this point, we are all inside the house attempting to warm up as much ass possible. Our hands are pink and purple, we cant feel our toes, it just sucks. We finish the shoot off by going down to the tiny, dirt covered basement. We follow Shannon this time, as she asks the air questions, but gets pissed because people are yodeling upstairs. The pres comes down to enforce and asks more questions. Somehow, I dont know how, but my camera goes from battery power of 158 mins to empty. I turn it off, ask for the batteries back and voila. Three minutes later, it does it again. I switch out my battery with Anthony's and have no further problems. This is of course after the toolbox from the Bloomington chapter says "see we're not that crazy"; I was silent. Then the pres finds out theres a sellar door out back so we of course go through it, only to find it leading right back to the very same part of the basement we were just in. We then enter the meat locker, where the pres seemed to know way too much about putting non-dead people in. Finally, we get back upstairs, pack the gear and warm up the car. We all say our good byes (and good riddence) to the trackers, the house, and the creepy old guy.
The Drive Back 10:30
So now that we have been warming the car up for a good 15 mins in -10 degree weather, the windows have all fogged up. In fact, even the defroster wouldnt get rid of it. We finally notice that the frost has begun to form inside the car. The whole way home, all I want to eat is a double cheeseburger from Burger King. Kyle says their not open but I do not believe him. Anthony wants Dennys and alls I want is a frickin drink. We get back as soon as possible and drop the equipment off. I get into my car, which I can see my breathe in, and drive to Burger King. I then bought 2 double cheeseburgers and ate them before I could make it home. They were so hot, I burnt my mouth. During the drive back, I read a bank sign that says its -12 degrees at 11:05pm...fan-fucking-tastic. As soon as I get home, I crank up the heat and crack open a beer. I then jump in the shower to warm up with my open beer and another backup. I finish one beer in the shower and move on to #2. I get changed, grab another beer and venture to Nick's to meet Los. As I am walking there, I feel somewhat groggy, not buzzed even thought I have just consumed 3 beers in a matter of about 20 mins. I get to Nick's, stand outside in the unbearable weather and get cold again. Finally I get into Nick's, play sink the biz, and get a ride back to my comfy house. And that ends my evening. Sorry for this lengthy article, but I hope to get some great feedback!!!
Well it sure is a damn good thing I created this blog, because once again a ridiculous night was upon myself and the Unlocked crew last night! Because Horwitz needed me, I went on a Sat night shoot with Kyle McVey, Kyle Thoms, Joey, and Anthony. The shoot was scheduled for 8pm so we got there around 7ish to get setup. Things started with a bang, as the directions Horwitz emailed us told us to turn right onto 43, and there was no right. So we got in the right hand lane which ended for no reason and a big pickup truck behind us almost rammed us right across the street from this ghetto conveniant mart that was offering Texas Hold'em. So we go into the state park where we believe this place is (according to the pic online which we later realize is actually they hotel theyre all staying at). We turn around and go left on 43 instead because it seems right. We drive until we find a giant house that fits the description Horwitz left us. We pull up, no lights on and scary as hell. So we walk around in the -10 degree weather and ring the door bell. Fortunately, no one answered and we had already scared the piss out of ourselves so we get back in the car and turn around. Kyle M asks for directions at an old folks home and the lady tells us to go where we were, even though the mailbox was labelled Dood Productions. So we go back to the forrest and find the building that we saw on the internet. Kyle once again goes inside and asks the lady that is working at this convention center, and she has no idea what we are talking about. So we go decide to go back to the scary-ass looking red brick house. This time, there is a car with it's headlights on...
Getting into the House 7:45 pm
So now that we finally think we are at the correct location, we walk up to the car with it's headlights on. This time there are lights also on in the house. Kyle and I walk around the car but there is no one in it, go figure. So this lady at the very back of the house yells for us to enter where she is or at the front door. So being the idiots that we are, we walk up to the front foor where we are welcomed by quite possibly one of the scariest old guys I have ever seen. Take the old creepy guy from "Family Guy", give him a beard, shave his eyebrows off, then clothe him in full army fatigues 3 sized too big with an orange hunting stocking cap. Take all of this in while listening to multiple sirens and alarms going off in the house alongside busted down doors with shit thrown around everywhere; as if it were racksacked by hobos. After the creepy groundskeeper welcomes us, he invites us down the scary, dimly lit hallway, to the back of the house. It is at this point that I look at Kyle and truly believe we are about to get cut up and left in some sort of hole dug into the ground. Fortunately... I was wrong.
And the Ghost Trackers Arrive (finally) 8:15pm
After waiting in the non-heated house for about a half an hour, the IGT teams finally arrive. Prior to this, we were asked where the rest of our clothes and jackets were. The creepy old guy also offered to run out back and grab an sweater he had that we could wear. We all declined, immediatly. We beging by getting everyone to fill out release forms. They bring their children (as usual) which they don't want on camera. We attempt to get some b-roll and interviews that contain some history of the house. Of course, the one who begins talking is Lisa, who of course is holding her child in one hand. Now, there is plenty of Lisa to film at all times, but it is a pain in the ass to even attempt to frame a shot while she has a kid in one hand. So now the president of the IGT Indiana Chapter (and also must pretend to be Indiana Jones, according to his attire) splits the group into 3 teams. As if it were some middle school field trip, none of the ghost trackers would leave the members they came with. So as if her were pulling teeth, the pres assigns people to switch teams. Now for the "fun" to begin.
The Upstairs 8:30
We decided to follow around the president's team for the night. We started upstairs with his crew, and of course the infamous Lisa Bradley had to join. As we begin going through the mental patient's rooms, the pres pulls out some sort of device that measures temperature, or electromagnetic fields, or something not even relevant to anything. Likewise, his assitant (and probably girlfriend/wife) is whipping out her dousing rods. Sine none of this equipment seems to be making much sense to any of us non-IGT folk, we ask them to explain the equipment on camera. Now here comes the fun part... he starts off by describing his little device that basically measures electromagnitivty, which is apparently given off by all living things and ghostly spirits; and the vibrating floorboards. Second device to explain are the dousing rods. To sum it up, basically these are two metal rods that have been used by humans for thousands of years that "find things". He never really explained how, but the just kind of do. Whether youre looking for ghosts, water, or even buried treasure, these special rods have little beads on the handles so you are never really touching the metal, therefore you have no way of choosing where they point. Oh ya, he also said, on camera, that these devices have absolutely no scientific backing. After all this, Lisa gets excited and shows the pres one her "amazing" pictures she captured, and the pres just kinda looks and laughs and says, good work. We have now been in this house for over an hour in the estimated 20-30 degree weather. We are all pretty cold and bored, but now we must move on to the next part.
The Jail Cells 9:15
We all head back down the stairs and are about to go explore the jail cells. Little did we know, but these were mostly outside. As we walk outside the house, we realize the temperature has dropped a good 3o degrees. I took a shot of an outside thermometer reading -10 degrees, but god knows if that thing was even in farenheit. So now we are all just a little bit more miserable than before. We follow the pres around, in and out of cells as he talks to the air with his tape recorder. Nothing moved or made any noise in response to his questions (obviously). After a good 30 mins of freezing our asses off, we all go back inside. By now, I want to get the fuck out of here and go drink heavily. Someone mentions that there is a small building out back, so of course we go out and listen to the pres babble to the air in and old, broken down outhouse. Finally, we go back inside, where we are about to embark on our third and final journey.
The Basement 10:00
So by this point, we are all inside the house attempting to warm up as much ass possible. Our hands are pink and purple, we cant feel our toes, it just sucks. We finish the shoot off by going down to the tiny, dirt covered basement. We follow Shannon this time, as she asks the air questions, but gets pissed because people are yodeling upstairs. The pres comes down to enforce and asks more questions. Somehow, I dont know how, but my camera goes from battery power of 158 mins to empty. I turn it off, ask for the batteries back and voila. Three minutes later, it does it again. I switch out my battery with Anthony's and have no further problems. This is of course after the toolbox from the Bloomington chapter says "see we're not that crazy"; I was silent. Then the pres finds out theres a sellar door out back so we of course go through it, only to find it leading right back to the very same part of the basement we were just in. We then enter the meat locker, where the pres seemed to know way too much about putting non-dead people in. Finally, we get back upstairs, pack the gear and warm up the car. We all say our good byes (and good riddence) to the trackers, the house, and the creepy old guy.
The Drive Back 10:30
So now that we have been warming the car up for a good 15 mins in -10 degree weather, the windows have all fogged up. In fact, even the defroster wouldnt get rid of it. We finally notice that the frost has begun to form inside the car. The whole way home, all I want to eat is a double cheeseburger from Burger King. Kyle says their not open but I do not believe him. Anthony wants Dennys and alls I want is a frickin drink. We get back as soon as possible and drop the equipment off. I get into my car, which I can see my breathe in, and drive to Burger King. I then bought 2 double cheeseburgers and ate them before I could make it home. They were so hot, I burnt my mouth. During the drive back, I read a bank sign that says its -12 degrees at 11:05pm...fan-fucking-tastic. As soon as I get home, I crank up the heat and crack open a beer. I then jump in the shower to warm up with my open beer and another backup. I finish one beer in the shower and move on to #2. I get changed, grab another beer and venture to Nick's to meet Los. As I am walking there, I feel somewhat groggy, not buzzed even thought I have just consumed 3 beers in a matter of about 20 mins. I get to Nick's, stand outside in the unbearable weather and get cold again. Finally I get into Nick's, play sink the biz, and get a ride back to my comfy house. And that ends my evening. Sorry for this lengthy article, but I hope to get some great feedback!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
And I have finally decided to create a blog!
Alright Anthony, here is my blog, just for you! I don't really have much to say right now, but I wanted to go ahead and create it so Anthony stops bitching. We are going on an Unlocked shoot tonight at the Indiana Ghost Tracker's convention. That should be interesting enough to blog about later. Until then, enjoy!
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